I cannot believe that in the 21st Century we have people advocating "culling", "sterilisation" of people who receive welfare benefits. I shook my head with disbelief as people typed this right wing tory/bnp rubbish into a chatroom.
Why the hell did our forefathers give their lives to rid us of the evils of nazism, they wasted their time, it is alive and well in Great Britain, spurred on by the press.
The targets - people on benefits, particularly single mothers, but also the sick and disabled.
One bright spark announced - cut their benefits they'll soon get better, this from a supposedly educated person. Illnesses like epilepsy, diabetes, arthritis, cancer and many other illnesses don't disappear overnight - taking away the benefits of people with conditions like this will mean they won't get treatment. We would just revert to pre welfare system. Those with any savings or any income would live, those without, tough.
Then we have cull them and sterilise them brigade - it is very easy to target women, single mothers, and whilst I agree that some do have babies for benefits, what about those who are single through divorce or widowhood. No one knows what is going to happen to them, I didn't know when I got married that in less than ten years I would be widowed with a small child. You could have an accident, be ill, lose your job - it doesn't make you less of a person, it doesn't warrant being culled or sterilised either.
And why only target the women - I always thought it took a man and a woman to make a baby - yet only the women are targetted - and why should the children suffer. This government pledged to end child poverty. Yet the very groups that are impoverished are yet again targetted.
It seems this hysteria against people on benefits, spurred on by the vermin press, and brainwashing people to despise those who, through no fault of their own in the majority of cases, are less fortunate. The breakdown of christian (and other religious values) and the selfish attitude which came into the fore during the Thatcher years, have all played a part in the situation we see today.
Have we learnt nothing from the 40's? Blaming groups of people for the misfortunes of all societies - let's make these people second class citizens, better still they are sub human, inferior. Let's not let them have any human rights. Then what follows? A return to the gas chambers?
You can't work therefore you die - I could envisage some of the chatroom participants stood there pointing the way.
I am not assured that the right groups i.e. those who are workshy and abusing the system will be targetted, as in the past, great mistakes have been made against sick and disabled people - the genuine always suffer.
At a time of recession, when more people are losing their jobs, and more pressure is put on the few, again spurred on by the press, those who may need help may not get it. There will be people in such despair who will see no way out.
"Blessed are the poor for they shall see the Kingdom of God" - a bit sooner than they should if these far right thinking twonkos, with their superiority, have their way.
If you support these new welfare reform proposals because you believe that people who are out of work will get extra help in finding a job, or that it will get “scroungers” off their arses and into the job market, you might be surprised to find out that you’re also supporting the following:
1. Cutting people’s benefits on the say so of an administrator far removed from the reality of everyday life, and leaving people with a very limited right of appeal. This will obviously makes life harder for children whose parents are punished in this way, and will increase child and family poverty.
2. The creation of a ‘multi-billion pound market’ in welfare services, in which companies from all over the world will be able to bid to receive government handouts of ‘up to £50,000′ per claimant who gets a job. Leaving people at the mercy of these private profiteers, whose only interest will be in making a maximum profit.
3. Making it much harder for small, community-based voluntary sector groups which work with the most disadvantaged people to get funding to help support them to get jobs and skills. It will be almost impossible for these groups to compete with private companies for funding to deliver welfare support services.
4. A report written in three weeks by an investment banker who boasted that before writing the report ‘I knew nothing about welfare’, and whose report claims amongst other things that the cost of housing is not a barrier to people finding a job. Clearly these are remarks of a wealthy individual with no concept of poverty and certainly not living in the same reality as the rest of us mere mortals. These are the people who will reform the welfare system!
The whole basis for the welfare reform proposals was that the number of jobs available would continue to increase, but it was also stated by government legislation that “this model could not work if that stopped being the case” (Welfare Reform 2008). We know that redundancies are coming thick and fast and the job market is declining at a rapid rate. So what does that tell us?
I work in mental and general health and can see the impacts already of simply the changes in tone towards people ( who we are thinking of relabeling “claimants”, not patients, or service users or clients) who are scrimping along on benefits to which they are indubitably entitled (very sever and enduring physical and mental problems of the most debilitating types). The measures will simply make things infinitely worse.
It is obscene that society’s most vulnerable groups are under such an attack. We are facing hard times ahead and on a global scale, but by adopting extreme media and government led views to scapegoat the most vulnerable in our society, we will find ourselves are marching headlong towards fascism. We know from previous history what this can result in. What have we learned from history? Apparently nothing!
I totally agree. What everyone overlooks is that the pilfering from the benefits system pales into insignificance compared to the the money lost through tax evasion by the super rich.
Every government chooses to target the most vulnerable in society as the most vulnerable have the least power and usually, no voice. Those "comfortably off" can therefore be assured that the media-invented "scum" are being put in their place and monies are being spent on more important things such as the millions lost in changing the Royal Mail's name. Such "scum" do not exist; those who have had the bad fortune to be in a position of need whether through illness or poverty have A RIGHT to claim benefits and SHOULD NOT FEEL ASHAMED to do so. This was the whole point of the welfare state.
Sadly each day we become more like America and lack of money is beginning to mean lack of treatment/care.
As for those advocating the compulsory sterilisation of women who claim benefits - once again I am flabbergasted that apparently women can seem to get pregnant alone! I saw no mention of sterilising the men who can still produce children when they are in their nineties (check out Charlie Chaplin). Not that any compulsory sterilisation should ever be considered based on finance. The people who frequent this chatroom are clearly bigotted, narrow minded nazis - which is the reason I rarely go in there: that amount of stupidity in one room can seriously depress one's mood.
Why you two losers rabbitting on about an unnamed chat room no one cares about? LOL! go to the room and call them twonks and nazis instead of hiding on a snide site, like back stabbing cowards. You should call this site Dolly Drivel Dribbles on.
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